How to Create a Writing Space at Home

How to Create a Writing Space at Home Image courtesy: Vlada Karpovich

You might have heard of the proverb, “Where you sit shapes your script”, which goes for all the writers trying to make a writing routine and pening down the best ideas in their mind. Setting the writing ambiance impacts the articulation and helps conveying the most creative and ideal thoughts in your mental space on the page.

Your writing space is a sacred area where all positive and mindful thoughts are allowed to flow out of your head. Therefore, I will outline some key suggestions here for designing an ideal writing environment at home to enhance your writing skills and creativity.

Opt for a specific nook in the house

One of the initial steps to set a comfortable and perfect writing space in the house is to select a dedicated and specific nook in your home. It can be an extra bedroom, a distinct spot in the dining room and lounge, or a set-aside area in your kitchen.

It should be a place free from distraction or less foot traffic, so you can fully concentrate to delve deep into ideas and refine your research expertise, avoiding interference from the outside world.

Design the area as per of your preferences and comfort

Your productivity and creativity depends on your comfort level, as you cannot feel relaxed and attentive if the space around you bothers you in any way.

For example, a comfortable chair, ambient lighting, standing or sitting desk, open or closed space, noise level, and privacy, all impact directly on your writing, as setting guides the pen.

Set aside all distractions from your surrounding

Removing all distractions around your writing space will boost the efficiency to ponder over the ideas and enhance the communication skills with readers.

You should block out all distractions, such as mobile phones, radios, Television, and other stuff like that from your writing environment or you can choose the space free from all these interruptions.

Moreover, you can use sound-proof headphones if you set the writing table in the kitchen, lounge, and dining room or you have kids, pets, and noisy neighbors.

Organize the things around the writing space

The environment molds the prose and shapes the mind. Unnecessary stuff on your writing table or around your workplace will significantly influence the articulation.

For example, extra books, grocery bills, office files, shopping lists, and other pending tasks will grasp your attention and drive your mind away from writing. Therefore, streamlining the space and decluttering the distracting things will instill discipline and make writing easier in a less chaotic environment.

Make the space inspirational and thought-provoking

Placing colorful plants or flowers, wall paints, photographs, motivational charts, cards, books, and notes in your writing area helps provoking new and creative thoughts keeps the ambience inspiring.

Moreover, it instigates the pavlovian stimuli, associating the specific things in your surroundings with writing by giving signals to the brain, such as particular scents, favorite coffee or tea, and distinct notepad or pen.

Add all essential writing utensils

Crafting a space for placing all essential writing tools, such as computer, laptop, tablets, notebooks, different color pens, and highlighters will create an ease to get things at hand without the hustle to find them in different places.

Infusing a personal flair to make it unique

You can add as much as new things and stuff as you want, depending on your budget to set the writing area. For example, contrasting lamps or different lighting options and stylish furniture can add uniqueness and aesthetics to this place.

Moreover, installing a book rack to place your favorite books and novels reflects your interests and personality as a writer and reader