Basic Grammar Rules Every Writer Should Know

Basic Grammar Rules Every Writer Should Know Image courtesy: Karolina Kaboompics

English grammar is something with a vast ground of numerous instructions and rules for different types of sentences, making them comprehensible and attractive.

However, if you learn the significant ones among them, you can write books, novels, articles, and blogs with excellent efficiency without any error.

The main focus of this article is to let the writers know how to refine their ideas and thoughts into riveting stories by acquiring the basic grammar rules. It will make their communication with the readers more clear and certify your proficiency as a writer.

Sentence structure or subject-verb coherence

Sentence structure is the fundamental rule of excelling in English Grammar, such as appropriate understanding of subject, verb, and object in a sentence to make it clear.

In addition, the parallel structure where two or more clauses have the same grammatical pattern makes the sentences look more organized.

Moreover, the subject-verb coherence or agreement is crucial for accurate sentence formation. The singular subject agrees with the singular verb and the plural subject must match with the plural verb. For example, dog barks (singular) Vs. dogs bark (plural).

Correct placement of adjective and adverbs

The confusion between the adjective and adverb creates problems for some writers, as they often use them at wrong positions. Therefore, one of the key rules of grammar is to identify the major difference between them for building a better connection and communication with the reader.

The adjectives are placed before the noun describing the attitude and opinion and sometimes after the linking verb. However, adverbs are used to modify verbs, not nouns.

Appropriate employment of punctuation and conjunction

It is imperative to learn the appropriate use of punctuation marks, such as comma, semicolon, serial comma, and full stop to clarify the complex sentences.

It helps to correlate the ideas without mixing them if you are using more than one clause in a sentence. Moreover, another key rule in basic grammar is to avoid the run-on sentences using suitable conjunctions and punctuations, especially for independent clauses.

Accurate and consistent tense usage

Choose the verb tense you want to use in your story (when did the event take place), avoiding the writing error and try to remain consistent with it.

However, you can switch to other tenses, depending on the action in the story. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the accurate use of tenses to guide the readers about the time of a particular incident or event.

Identifying correct homophonic words

Forming correct sentences and delivering a clear message to the audience needs identifying appropriate homophonic words that fits well in your sentence.

Homophonic words have the same pronunciations and sound, but have different meaning and spelling. For example, break vs. brake, then vs. than, their vs. there, I vs. eye, and many more.

Try to opt for active voice sentences

Active voice sentences are easier and straightforward to understand as compared to passive voice. The object changes position and comes in the beginning of the sentence, making it a little confusing for the reader to understand.

Correct use of preposition and pronouns

Incorrect application of prepositions can alter the whole meaning of a sentence and convey a wrong message. Similarly, pronouns and their accurate use ensure clarity in the whole description, such as using he, she, it, her, him, they, and us with number and gender.

Restrain the use of double negative

The major mistake that some writers make is using double negative in a sentence, destroying the whole sentence structure and beauty.

For example, I cannot find no place to park my car. You should avoid using these non-standard sentences in your writing.

This is a short list of some basic grammar rules you need to learn and understand for creating compelling content. There is no limit to knowledge if you are a true learner and really want to improve your writing in any way.