How to Write a Query Letter to Publishers

How to Write a Query Letter to Publishers Image courtesy: Pixabay

Query letter is a written outline of your ideas and work to grasp the attention and interest of different publishing houses to get your work published.

It is a first and foremost step towards starting your journey and representing your endeavors as an author or writer in the public eye or global arena.

A well-crafted document is the first impression of your professionalism and passion to work with the particular publisher.

A proficiently articulated project pitch will highlight your experience, skills, and writing style to the agents or editors, offering an opportunity to work with your dream publishers.

The key points below will help you learn and get an idea of how to write a compelling query letter for your publication process.

Set format and header information

Opt for the font size that is readable with standard professional format for margins and line spacing. Include the header information on the top of the page, such as your name, address, email, phone number, and date along with the details of recipient information.

Use personalised greeting

It is more engaging to greet the editor or publisher by their first name, showing preparation and grabbing attention of recipients.

For example, you can address them, like “Dear Ms. Marie” or you can use their last name, like “Dear Ms. Anderson”. It will also showcase your in-depth research about them and your respect for their position.

Kick off with a intriguing hook or opening paragraph

The opening paragraph is a great opportunity to hook the reader and spark the curiosity about you and your story. Start with any personal connection or the referral from a well-known author or anyone from the publication industry.

Getting underway with that, introduce the striking hook, mentioning the book genre, word count, book title, and a short description of your content to intrigue the recipient to explore and engage further into your query letter.

It should highlight the most alluring parts of the story, major conflicts, or the prompting queries. You should limit yourself to 150-200 words in the opening paragraph to keep it concise and attractive.

Add a succinct synopsis of your story

The next section is about a succinct summary of your story, such as the characters, plot, and the main challenges. It will demonstrate your writing style, key elements, primary purpose, and principle targets.

It helps the editor or publisher decide whether your content fits well with their demands and needs, illustrating your writing skills, understanding about the relevant subject, and potential sale of your book in the market.

Highlight your professional profile and achievements

In the fourth paragraph, you should mention your education or the related degree in creative writing that helps you in your writing venture.

Moreover, reveal your credentials or achievements, such as published novels, books, or short stories, awards in writing competitions, and certificates of writing workshops or conferences, featuring your passion and experience.

In addition, you can add information about any connection between you or your background with the main plot or character of the story to show an authentic content in your book.

Wrap your letter with appreciation and sincere gratitude

In the end, wrap up the letter with thanking the recipient for considering and reading your proposal. Don’t brag about them too much. Just write a line of appreciation to show your sincere gratitude and anticipate their response.