Creating a Daily Writing Routine That Works

Creating a Daily Writing Routine That Works Image courtesy: Pixabay from Pexels

Humans are all different when it comes to their nature to adapt to different routines in their professional and personal lives, depending on their approaches to set daily goals. This frequently happens with many writers trying to create a daily writing routine that is productive and fits well with their goals.

The skill to pour down the ideas and stories in your head onto the page is something God-gifted, but don’t hesitate to learn if you are the one struggling to set a writing habit to meet your targets.Here, I am sharing some really helpful tips to streamline the process, so you can succeed in your writing venture.

Leverage the most productive time of the day

You know yourself best, so select the most productive time of the day when your brain is most active and sharp.

For example, early morning proves to be the best time of writing for me, as I can articulate my thoughts with a fresh mind.

Moreover, choosing the time when there is no distraction around you is another significant strategy to fully concentrate on your writing goal.

However, you can explore different times of the day to find when you can focus best and what is the prime time of your writing.

Map out some progress markers for yourself

Set a daily goal and do not burden yourself with extra work if you are done with your daily target. It is preferable to map out the stepping stones or the progress markers for yourself to keep the motivation high.

Find an accountability person from your friends or family and tell them your daily writing goals to stay motivated and meet their expectations.

Understand your needs and cognitive process

If you want to create a writing routine, you should know your needs and mindset to fill pages with your thoughts and ideas.

Select the place or environment that works well for you when writing, whether it's a desk or chair at home and library or a silent corner in a cafe where your cognitive process works most creatively.

Define a word count limit or set the timer

One of the best approaches to establish a writing habit is to set the word count limit or a timer as a daily target, depending on your passion and routine.

For example, leave your desk when you are done with 350 words per day or after 20 minutes without burdening yourself. Furthermore, it is better to schedule limited time for specific tasks, avoiding multiple tasks at the same time.

You should mark your writing sessions daily on calender to make sure you don’t miss any day or remain consistent with your writing.

Brain-dumping the ideas and writing rituals or prompts

If you are a beginner and learning how to create a daily writing goal, it is best to follow the writing rituals or set the prompts that help you develop a writing habit and give signals to your brain when it is the time to sit on the desk and write.

Moreover, brain dumping the key thoughts and ideas before going to bed or finishing everyday tasks help gaining momentum the next day, eliminating friction.

It’s not easy to stick to this routine, as you will stumble many times in the start, but if you make writing your priority, the success is grantee.