In Indian literature, there is a vibrant tapestry of new voices that add different shades and textures. One such voice belongs to Sneha Sabu, an international strategist turned author whose works range from children’s books to thought-provoking poetry. Her most recent book, “My Lost Pages,” opens up a world in which everyday musings turn into words that touch the soul. Sneha has released her latest book, My Lost Pages – a collection of poems where ordinary reflections are transformed into verses resonating within the deep regions of one’s soul. In this exclusive interview, we explore with Sneha about her writing journey, creative process and some behind-the-scenes inspirations for the book.
Her book Stay Safe with Ruby and Reuben won eight awards, including the BREW Reader’s Choice Book of the Year 2023, the BREW Book Excellence Award 2023 Winner in the Children’s Activity Book category, the 2023 Independent Publisher Book Awards Bronze Winner in Children’s Interactive, the 2023 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention in Global and Social Issues category and May 2022 International Impact Book Award.
Personal Journey
What got you into writing alongside your professional career?
I began writing in verse in the eighth grade as just something fun, but I found myself a subeditor of a children’s magazine during my undergraduate years. However, I do balance work full-time, study part-time, and write; it is not a transition but an integration of my passions.
Can you identify one turning point in your life as writer?
When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, it marked a turning point in my life. Staying at home amidst restricted movements and limited human interactions became an emotional pressure cooker. Writing became my release valve, leading me to draft a crime fiction novel. This was the season when I had to rediscover who I am as an author.
How have your varied professional experiences impacted on your writing?
My various work profiles, including extensive travel and working across different countries and cultures, have greatly influenced how I see things as a writer. These diverse views and subject matters manifest themselves through this rich tapestry of experience.
Writing Process
Tell us about what an average day looks like for you?
Given other commitments, I cannot spend whole day writing without breaks. When immersed in writing such as this, I have all the feelings that come along with it. Interestingly, I can switch off once I complete a segment. It is like a mental on-off switch which assists me in changing modes effectively.
Do you have any unique rituals to get into the writing zone?
Sometimes I do not wait for inspiration; such moments are when I make myself scribble. This forced writing may not produce great content but helps me start being in the writing zone. After a few days of maintaining a pattern, zoning in becomes easier.
How do you manage your personal and professional lives?
I write during weekends or holidays but for most of the time my day is fully booked by my other jobs. Busy times when ideas crop up, I simply note them on my phone’s notepad so that later on when I am free to write they can be revived.
About the Books
What made you write these latest books?
“Stay Safe with Ruby and Reuben” was written to educate children about personal safety because child abuse has become rampant nowadays. “My Lost Pages” is a collection of 25 poems that are conversational discussions about many deep, thought-provoking subjects, written in an accessible format.
How much of your personal life is reflected in your writing?
Still keeping balance - approximately 70% of our lives is separate from personal experiences, while around 30% connects directly with them. What are some of the messages that you want your readers to take away from any books you have written? The book “Stay Safe with Ruby and Reuben” is clearly about child protection. "My Lost Pages" endeavours to capture the nature of today’s life, its emotions, and challenges readers on their values.
Creative Insights
Where do you get ideas for stories and characters?
Much of my inspiration comes from real people and actual occurrences. I believe there are a large number of appealing storylines available in the environment in which we live.
How do you deal with writer's block?
Being patient when one has a creative block helps me overcome it. I usually switch projects at times like these. In writing, I prefer to go slowly because it allows me to grow as an author organically.
What is typically your most challenging part in the writing process?
The editing stage is often difficult for me. It takes a lot of time to craft what may appear like a simple first draft. In such cases, I constantly break up my work into several segments before revisiting each part with fresh eyes.
Reader Engagement
How do you build connections with your readers?
I love interacting with people at different levels, including one-on-one conversations, group talks, or even virtual platforms with my fans.
Tell us about one memorable interaction with your reader.
One day, during the reading session, someone just read aloud one of my funny poems though I was present in the room. She laughed so much that she couldn’t breathe properly anymore and said she hadn’t enjoyed herself like this in years; at that moment, it became clear why I write books such as these.
Industry Perspective and Future Projects
What are your thoughts on the current publishing landscape?
These days, due to e-books, audiobooks, and AI technology advancements, the literature industry has been adjusted considerably, further complicating matters in this changing environment for both authors and readers.
Would you like to tell us about your new works?
Presently, I am working on three different projects, which consist of a self-help book, children’s fantasy, and crime fiction. I intend to try twenty or more books within my lifetime, exploring different themes and genres.
Advice for Aspiring Authors
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Just start writing. Write because you love it and are committed to it, not for fame. Do not let failure deter you, as it is often part of the journey towards creating your best work. Keep writing and expose yourself; this is how you find out what you are capable of doing.
Sneha Sabu’s transformation from a global strategist into a multi-genre writer serves as an example of how persistence and passion can lead one towards success. Sneha’s approach to writing, which involves combining her professional obligations with creative endeavours, drawing from real-life experiences, and maintaining a rapport with readers, offers some useful insights to aspiring writers. Even as she explores diverse genres and themes in her writings, including children's literature, poetry, and upcoming works in fantasy and crime fiction, Sneha Sabu embodies the fluidity of Indian literature. She affirms that the first step for any writer may well be beginning their journey, staying true to themselves through their voice and personal history.
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