Riya Vajir, the emerging voice in Indian gothic horror, has taken the literary world by storm with her debut novel, "SHADE." In this exclusive interview, we delve into the mind behind the mystery, exploring Riya's transition from finance to fiction, her creative process, and the inspirations that fuel her dark imagination. Join us as we unravel the enigma of Riya Vajir and her haunting world of SHADE.

Personal Journey
What inspired you to transition from your initial career to becoming an author?
There are certain things quite innately gifted to all of us, it's just a matter of time when we truly delineate our fervour and incline it towards our work, and then see the magic happening. Also, having said that, there's no free lunch in this world. Having a shift from finance and marketing to full-time writing was more of a societal pressure journey, rather than a self-evoking one, as deep down I knew what I truly desired from a long time now, when I was in college, working on writing and acing academics.
Writing Process
What is your typical day like when you're immersed in writing a book?
A typical writing day for me is an absolute myth. And that's the beauty of writing, no day is the same as the other. It tests your patience to the limits; some days are a bliss, others you repent for your sin, to write that is. However, amusement aside now, aesthetic settings, music, coffee, reading and taking some actual breaks help. And the best remedy to heal while I'm having a wound of a writer's block, for me, that's nature, a stroll in woods with mist, my peace. While, my other professional commitments, do I still need to have one, while I've now devoted my life to writing? Or do I still wither in that pressure that one needs a job or else you will be annihilated by all? Grave thought.
About the Book
What inspired the story behind your latest book?
My first ever book, SHADE... the name quite puts one in that eerie and ambiguousness of a phase, as inspiration for this book comes from depths of one's imagination, and the themes of gothic horror and legends all around the world that cured my curiosity with each ounce it deepened, that took me this far. While each character is complex in their own way, one theme of self-isolation and loss is quite common, having faced both in my life, it was something I wanted to pour it all out through these people. And I wish my readers grasp that mystery lives, while we may not... as much as happiness differs, but pain is ours, and we are here.
Creative Insights
Where do you draw inspiration from for your stories and characters?
Inspiration comes from everything and anything. It might even ignite from something you dreamt last night, even a nightmare... while my characters are inspired by people that I've met in my life... however, each one of them have some attributes that I have... subtle and roaring both. Albeit, my true love is literature, Macbeth, Dorian Gray, Dracula, E.A. Poe and many more, that inspired SHADE... while dealing with low motivation is challenging, because you would be mentally numb, immune to deafening quiet, even facing the hurdle of keeping your EQ in control having to write different scenarios, while having different phases of life. Writing as it may seem like cake walk from outside, it's like walking on ashes, it may seem all burnt, but it's burning us, for sure.
Reader Engagement
How do you connect with your readers and fans on a personal level?
On personal level, I would say, I'm still waiting... and the wait is surely an agonizingly slow process, but having my first book out, while it's only been a month and half really, I believe in God a lot, so all in good time. While, a reader's view is extremely crucial for me, as it's for them what I've written, it's to please them, make them intrigued, make them so involved and in love and in hate with these characters, while they come with their theories and conclusions, while even keeping a room for constructive criticism. However, I know the readers who love this genre would have a blast, I'm wishing for that.
Industry Perspective
What are your thoughts on the current state of the publishing industry?
It's a rat race. Everyone wants their book to be seen, and most people out there are selling innocent's dreams for filling their pockets, with these new trends such as hybrid publishing and scams. It's next to impossible to find that motivation to write anymore, as for first-time authors, how I whole-heartedly despise traditional publishing now, they seem to only serve the people with thousand years of experience and who has means and money. I mean if I wanted a job, I'll go for corporate, but writing is an art, kindly keep and treasure it as it was... it's not business.
Future Projects
Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or books you're working on?
I'd like that secrecy, keeping it under the wraps concept here, honestly, but, for now, I'm working on drawing my plot for the sequel for SHADE, and working on the future of these characters, and only one thing to say, expect the unexpected, that's the motto. And, not that I can look in the future with my crystal ball, neither am I a seer, keeping small term goals and seeing where God takes you, because even the next second is unseen, while, having said that, all I wish is, to keep writing more and more, publish more and more, and have more and more readers, is all I wish.
Advice for Aspiring Authors
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Let your imagination flow. All concepts and ideas and stories have been used by all of us, in different ways, and we get inspiration from what we see and what we read, and life lessons, which can be seen in all our lives, so please do not ever be afraid. Stay grounded by connecting more to yourself rather than the version your audience has made for you, because you see yourself everyday in that mirror, so own all of it, while still aiming for great success. While I do wish that I knew that, patience is the greatest virtue in our world, writing world.
Personal Insights
What are some personal aspects about yourself that your readers might find interesting?
Family. Self time. Nature. These are the three magical words for me, so travel as much as you can, learn and unwind, relax, part yourself from the world in the solace of the quiet... read, study new things... history, art, culture, languages... then pray to God, focus on your mental, emotional and physical health, and have an ice-cream then.
The fact that I'm extremely boring, if you see, you see.
My childhood has been greatly influenced by Harry Potter, making Scotland my absolute favorite place in the world, and it is still my comfort space, and that's what truly motivated me to plot stories and made me learn a lot about writing and my interest in varied subjects it portrays.
Riya Vajir's journey from the world of finance to the realm of gothic horror is as intriguing as the tales she weaves. Her debut novel, "SHADE," promises to be a thrilling adventure into the depths of human psychology and the supernatural. As Riya continues to explore the shadows of her imagination, readers can look forward to more spine-chilling stories that blur the lines between reality and the unknown. With her unique perspective and unwavering passion for the craft, Riya Vajir is undoubtedly an author to watch in the Indian literary scene.