Professor Doctor Kaliaperumal M. P is a unique voice in the vibrant literary field of India, where ancient wisdom confronts modern challenges. He has a background in engineering and management and has worked for the government as well as public sector undertakings for decades. As an author, Dr. Kaliaperumal is starting on a different road from what he has been used to throughout his life. His debut book ‘Yoga For Holistic Health’ is not just about physical wellbeing but a testament to how yoga can help us navigate today’s complicated world. In this exclusive interview, we learn more about this versatile person whose main change in life was from technical profession to holistic living through yoga.
Personal Journey
What inspired you to transition from your initial career to becoming an author?
The cruel pandemic coronavirus "COVID-19" shattered the entire world during 2019-2022 and taken away millions of great souls including our own loved kith and kins from us. During this period, the entire 24 hrs. in a day were available with us to manage. I started yoga training to my family members inside the house with a set of 40 asanas. Within a period of 45 days, the result surpassed all our expectations. Their small, small health problems were got sorted out automatically. The flexibility of their body improved, there was a change in the working pattern with more energy in their day-to-day life. The result inspired me to author a book on "YOGA FOR HOLISTIC HEALTH".
Writing Process
What is your typical day like when you're immersed in writing a book?
Whenever I want to write a book, I sit and do from 3 am to 6 am. This does not affect my other professional commitments. I always love to do very important work during this period.
About the Book
What message or themes do you hope readers take away from your book?
I want to pass on a message to the readers of my book "YOGA FOR HOLISTIC HEALTH" that yoga is not a medicine to cure a disease, but it regulates and integrates the entire internal systems of the body and make it fit so that there is no place for any disease in the body and is permanently cured / eliminated from the body. One must be regular and conscious about the practice and have faith and patience on the result.
Creative Insights
How do you handle creative blocks or periods of low motivation?
My children and friends inspire me in such matters and during low motivation periods, I simply shift my concentration in fine arts like painting, learning music, etc.
Reader Engagement
How important is reader feedback to your writing process?
Definitely the readers feedback is very healthy and important to fine tune one's perception.
Industry Perspective
What are your thoughts on the current state of the publishing industry?
The conventional publishing industries are slowly vanishing and getting replaced by self-publishing. The authors of new generation also like the changing trend.
Future Projects
Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or books you're working on?
Working on a few subjects, and will share soon.
Personal Reflections
What book (by another author) has had the most significant impact on you, and why?
The book "Autobiography of a Yogi" written by Shri Shri Paramahansa Yogananda which impacted me quite a lot. If you read, you will come to know why.
Prof. Dr. Kaliaperumal M. P’s journey from the corridors of engineering to the serene world of yoga is an example of personal change that demonstrates how one can turn around everything about himself or herself as a person . His book "Yoga For Holistic Health," which emerged during the time of COVID-19 pandemic, gives some light into these harsh times and brings hope to many. In his pursuit of knowledge and quest for sharing experiences, Dr.Kaliaperumal continues to be a guiding star in combining professional expertise with spiritual practice that leads to wholeness.
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