The Poetic Oracle: A Journey Through Verses with Anish Kanjilal

The Poetic Oracle: A Journey Through Verses with Anish Kanjilal

In the vibrant landscape of Indian literature, few threads shine as brightly as the lyrical works of Anish Kanjilal. A poet, philosopher, and mentor, Kanjilal has carved a niche for himself with his thought-provoking collections, "Fateless 13" and "11 Oracles." In this exclusive interview for "Authors of India," we delve into the mind of this remarkable wordsmith, exploring his creative process, inspirations, and the profound impact of his poetry on readers worldwide.

Personal Journey

How did your journey as a poet begin?
Life drove me to a path which is made of hymns and unknowingly I sang them to quench my restless spirit…and that's how the journey of a bard began. With every spring I bloom to beauty…shine in summer…shed my creations in autumn and hibernate in winter to resurrect again…that's the story of my evolution.

In this brevity of life, some priceless memorandums, worthy inwardness and moralistic lessons are the ones that strike the emotional chord of one's heart and help to explain the vitality of those tentative moments that leave a permanent impact on one's life. I do not know whether in my compendious sentience, I would ever be able to live up to the soaring expectations of my well-wishers, but I believe that the manifestations of such inspirational moments would definitely suffice my impending commitments.

Writing Process

Can you describe your writing process? How do you approach crafting your poems?
Being a Cancerian, I don't follow any itinerary or routine but just wait for the lunar night to crawl out of my shell and swing to the writing mood, and with mountain fog summoning my spirit, I plunge into a cosmos of creativity.

Poems differ from other compositions because they prove to be a paragon in the world of fantasy which pays a tribute to realism through the transformation of bleak inwardness into elated ones. Thus, they require research in the various aspects of life which can only be achieved through self-belief and empathy with others. In the few very years that I have spent on earth, life has taught me a lot.

About the Books

Tell us about your books, "Fateless 13" and "11 Oracles."
"Fateless 13" is a collection of thirteen poems that speak of the beginning, the end and every aspect of life in between. From the pains of losing to the joys of creation, this collection makes a journey from fantasy to realism. The poet satires with shameful events of history and glorifies the happiness of belonging to the world. The inevitability of death and the pleasure of simply existing within the universe to witness the wonders of creation is where "Fateless Thirteen" exists.
"11 Oracles" is a five-part series of poems that bring hope to the human spirit to see the truth and reality behind the veil of ignorance. It explores the concept of the endless cycle of birth and rebirth, and the liberation of the soul. The book delves into the philosophical idea that long before creation, the perennial universe passed into destruction and the Cosmic Chaos conceived Hope to Resurrect the Nascency.

Creative Insights

What motivates you to write, and how do you maintain your creativity?
I would like to express my deepest condolences to those who have acquired a lot from education, but failed to implement its rightful execution. Scientific expertise can only reward oneself with materialistic pleasures, thus voracity for spiritual attainments is required to explore the true spirit of life. Thus when I encountered the gloomy situations when and where people succumbed to sorrows just because they failed to impress, I was motivated in all ways to express.
I don't write frequently rather prefer to write in gaps, hence creative blockages don't burden me nor I end up being a Fly to the spider's web.
The sanctity of a poet's inwardness is only revered if the originality of his composition is comprehended by the commonality. Thus, I tried to maintain utmost simplicity while drafting each verse so that my readers become residents of that euphoria of vivacity that once provided me a refuge too.

Reader Engagement

How do you engage with your readers, and what are your expectations from them?
My work is not to be comprehended by every reader, it rather targets the super intellectuals, hence my expectations are low. Interaction with readers does happen in literary festivals but they give you the impression that poetry is a luxury what can only suit an idle.

Industry Perspective

What are your thoughts on traditional publishing versus self-publishing?
Traditional publishing not only scouts the talent and uniqueness of an author but at the same time takes the book to international festivals, competitions, and prizes. In fact, there are competitions where only a publisher can nominate a book, that's where traditional publishers can take you. In a nutshell, brand attracts mass readers as readers know that they won't be publishing trash.
Self-publishing is more profit-oriented and once one ends up publishing a book, it is just lost in a galore of nowhere. Rest is up to the author to promote himself and his work, and that's where one may feel depressed and broken. I think self-publishing should scrutinize before publishing anything junk written by some prodigal anonymous.

Future Projects

Are you working on any new projects?
Yes…a novel in future as I have a plot…just waiting for the drive as I believe that for everything good there is an ideal time and one just needs to be patient.
At the same time, I am working on my 3rd volume of poetry..."Herculean 12" (theme: being a Hercules on an arena called Earth)

Advice and Wisdom

What advice would you give to aspiring poets and writers?
Try to opt for subjects never chosen…for example, a different and a rare story from mythology or global issues and don't repeat plots which are repeated by most…just try to be original and natural.
I am not an extravagant being who could shower some coins of intellect on the commonality. I am a complacent spirit who could help others through spiritual philanthropism. With regards to this, I would just like to inform my companions that in this short duration of life, one should not delay manifesting his emotions and experiences.

Personal Reflections

How do you perceive your role as a poet, and what meaning does poetry hold for you?
I feel the way rain feels the earth, I feel the way the last breath feels of dying body, I feel the way a tide feels for the shore…I feel and find my Moksha or salvation in poetry.
Poetry definitely has a purpose or meaning…history, revolutions, romance all have their roots in Poetry. In fact, Poetry commemorates Nature's creation and beautifies her. My creations too will leave their footprints on the sands of time as I have a refrain "Our past won't walk to our graves but stay back like a milestone once cherished and the future will whisper who had been here to break the silence".
I read poetry, I teach poetry, I even wear poetry like a soldier wears his armour. My all-time favourite is none other than Robert Frost and indeed we both have a lot in common.

Anish Kanjilal's poetic journey is a testament to the enduring power of words and the profound impact they can have on both the writer and the reader. His unique perspective, blending philosophical depth with lyrical beauty, offers a fresh voice in the realm of Indian literature. As we eagerly await his upcoming works, including the intriguing "Herculean 12," it's clear that Kanjilal's contributions to the world of poetry will continue to inspire and provoke thought for years to come. His message to aspiring writers – to seek originality and stay true to one's emotions – serves as a beacon for the next generation of Indian authors.

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