Unicorns In The City - Suspense and Mystery: An Ecothriller (Veera Shivaraman Mystery - India's First Ecothriller Series)
In this enthralling environmental suspense narrative, Deepti L. Sharma conjures a riveting saga set amidst the vibrant chaos of Mumbai. The plot centers around Mrs. Karishma Singh and her companion Veera Shivaraman, who find themselves delving into a secretive inquiry within their residential enclave, spurred by the enigmatic utterances of Mrs. Singh's young daughter. A motley crew of suspects emerges, featuring a 'Phony Guru' and a 'Malevolent Manager,' as the storyline intensifies with the accidental injury of an unknown elderly woman. As Veera and her companions inch closer to the elusive truth, readers are ensconced in a rich tapestry of ecological concerns interwoven with classic whodunit elements. Sharma’s work, a pioneering installment in India's first eco-thriller series, promises a distinctive and captivating literary adventure that will leave you pondering until the final revelation.
- Author: Deepti L. Sharma
- Genre: Mystery