A Soulful Journey Through Banaras: Exploring Life and Death in India's Holy City

Aimless in Banaras: Wanderings in India’s Holiest City

Aimless in Banaras: Wanderings in India’s Holiest City

Within this enthralling chronicle of exploration, Bishwanath Ghosh beckons the reader into the enchanting realm of Banaras, the most revered city in India. Inspired by the poignant memory of his mother’s cremation at the illustrious Manikarnika Ghat, Ghosh reimmerses himself in this ancient locale, weaving together an intricate narrative of experiences and serendipitous meetings. Roaming through the labyrinthine ghats and winding galis, and afloat on the life-giving waters of the Ganga, the author delves deep into the pulsating culture, encountering an array of eclectic figures—sadhus, priests, and quintessential Banarasis alike. Ghosh's astute insights and melodic prose vividly illuminate the essence of Banaras, showcasing its distinctive amalgamation of the sacred and the earthly, of vitality and mortality. This narrative transcends the boundaries of a mere travel account; it emerges as a philosophical exploration of existence itself, granting readers a profound glimpse into the very soul of one of India's most mesmerizing cities. 'Aimless in Banaras' is an indispensable read for those yearning to uncover the spiritual core of India and the intricate tapestry of human experience.

  • Author: Bishwanath Ghosh
  • Publisher: Tranquebar (5 February 2024); Westland Books A Division of Nasadiya Technologies Pvt Ltd
  • Genre: Travel Writing & Guides
  • ISBN: 978-9360456078
  • Pages: 264 pages