A Scholarly Collection: Exploring the Legacy of Dnyandev and Dnyandevi

ज्ञानदेव आणि ज्ञानदेवी | मराठी लेखसंग्रह | मराठी पुस्तक | श्रीविद्या प्रकाशन | Dnyandev aani Dnyandevi | Ra. Chi. Dhere | ज्ञानदेव- ज्ञानदेवी विषयक जुन्या-नव्या वेचक लेखांचा एक वाचनीय संग्रह.

ज्ञानदेव आणि ज्ञानदेवी | मराठी लेखसंग्रह | मराठी पुस्तक | श्रीविद्या प्रकाशन | Dnyandev aani Dnyandevi | Ra. Chi. Dhere | ज्ञानदेव- ज्ञानदेवी विषयक जुन्या-नव्या वेचक लेखांचा एक वाचनीय संग्रह.

Ra. Chi. Dhere's 'Dnyandev aani Dnyandevi' emerges as an enthralling mosaic of reflective essays in the Marathi language, graciously released by Shrividya Prakashan to mark the monumental 700th anniversary of Dnyandevi’s esteemed literary creation. This anthology intricately weaves together an array of both timeless and modern insights, delving into the venerated personalities of Dnyandev and Dnyandevi, thereby offering an in-depth examination of their lasting impact. Originating from a series of thought-provoking pieces first published in the Maharashtra Times, this meticulously compiled work presents a nuanced viewpoint on these significant spiritual icons. Blending academic rigor with approachable language, this collection stands as an indispensable treasure for enthusiasts of Marathi literary arts, philosophy, and the rich tapestry of spiritual traditions.

  • Author: Ra. Chi. Dhere
  • Publisher: श्रीविद्या प्रकाशन , पुणे; Second edition (11 June 2024); श्रीविद्या प्रकाशन , पुणे
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality
  • ISBN: B0D784T8GX
  • Pages: 236 pages