Mango Cheeks, Metal Teeth
Aruna Nambiar’s 'Mango Cheeks, Metal Teeth' unfurls as an enchanting and frequently uproarious tale of adolescence, nestled in the vibrant milieu of 1980s Kerala. The narrative revolves around the spirited eleven-year-old Geetha, who anticipates her family’s yearly retreat, brimming with classic summer escapades alongside her cousins. However, as the days progress, Geetha becomes increasingly captivated by the eclectic ensemble of household staff, which features a whimsical chef and a worry-prone housekeeper. In tandem, Babu, the son of the village plumber, navigates the choppy waters of first love, all while grappling with the impending nuptials of his sister to the neighborhood's most desired bachelor. As their fates entwine, Geetha and Babu gradually shed the garb of childhood innocence. Nambiar's masterful storytelling interweaves social commentary with a delightful farce, delving into the trials of maturation and the intricate interplay of servant-master relationships within a quaint Indian town. With its endearing characters and evocative nostalgia, 'Mango Cheeks, Metal Teeth' presents a whimsical yet reflective peek into a cherished past.
- Author: Aruna Nambiar
- Publisher: Tranquebar (24 June 2024); Westland Books A Division of Nasadiya Technologies Pvt ltd
- Genre: Contemporary Fiction
- ISBN: 978-8196011871
- Pages: 200 pages