Revolutionising Productivity: A Joyful Approach to Success

Feel-Good Productivity : How to Do More of What Matters to You

Feel-Good Productivity : How to Do More of What Matters to You

In his trailblazing work, 'Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You,' Dr. Ali Abdaal dares to overturn traditional notions of productivity. As the leading authority in the realm of productivity, with an overwhelming following, Abdaal presents a novel perspective that contrasts sharply with the punishing grind that so many associate with achievement. He posits that true productivity is not rooted in mere self-discipline, but rather thrives on the principle of joy. Leveraging a wealth of psychological insights, he introduces the revolutionary idea of 'feel-good productivity,' illuminating how infusing pleasure into our work inherently enhances efficiency. The narrative unfolds with a detailed exploration of three pivotal 'energizers' that elevate enjoyable productivity, three 'blockers' that obstruct our advancement, and three 'sustainers' that ensure a deeper, enduring sense of fulfilment. Throughout the pages, Abdaal enriches his thesis with uplifting stories from accomplished figures across diverse arenas. With pragmatic, tangible strategies, this transformative handbook offers a pathway for readers to not only achieve their aspirations but to do so while nurturing joy and satisfaction. This much-needed departure from the relentless hustle ethos provides a refreshing, balanced viewpoint on reaching your objectives without compromising personal well-being.

  • Author: Ali Abdaal
  • Publisher: Cornerstone Press (28 December 2023)
  • Genre: Business Strategy
  • ISBN: 978-1847943743
  • Pages: 304 pages