Illuminating Verses: A Review of 'Charag' by Waseem Barelvi



In 'Charag', Waseem Barelvi unveils an enchanting assemblage of poetry that reverberates with both the everyday individual and the discerning literary aficionado. The poet’s straightforward diction, paired with universally relatable themes, endows his lines with an allure that transcends boundaries, striking a chord with souls from diverse backgrounds. This collection exemplifies Barelvi's profound affiliation with his time, surroundings, and cultural heritage. Rather than becoming ensnared in an entirely fantastical domain, his poetry is anchored in the tangible, tackling pressing contemporary dilemmas and events with remarkable acumen. His finesse in integrating modern motifs into the rich tapestry of traditional Urdu verse illustrates a brilliant synthesis of ageless artistry and present-day significance. 'Charag' emerges as a luminous testament to Barelvi’s exceptional prowess in shedding light on the essence of the human journey through his articulate and introspective stanzas.

  • Author: Waseem Barelvi
  • Publisher: Manjul Publishing House (1 May 2018)
  • Genre: Poetry
  • ISBN: 978-9387383241
  • Pages: 174 pages