In this astonishing reimagining of a legendary saga from the Mahabharata, Gayatri Madan Dutt intricately examines the multifaceted persona of Gandhari, the matriarch of a hundred Kaurava offspring. While ancestral wisdom espouses the notion that a formidable lineage of male progeny is a treasure, Dutt's vivid narrative uncovers the insidious transformation of her sons into a familial blight, ultimately heralding their clan's ruin. The text provocatively interrogates whether the malevolence of her offspring was written in the stars or a consequence of Gandhari's deliberate ignorance towards their transgressions. As the tale unravels, we are drawn into Gandhari's poignant vulnerability against the backdrop of her sons' transgressions, her ire simmering towards Lord Krishna, whom she holds culpable for their tragic fate. Dutt adeptly illustrates the profound sorrow that looms over Gandhari, threatening to engulf her and possibly inciting further disorder. This heart-wrenching examination of maternal devotion, obligation, and the perilous ramifications of willful negligence towards one’s offspring unveils a rejuvenated viewpoint on an ageless epic.
- Publisher: Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Ltd; 1st edition (10 October 1980)
- Genre: Mythology & Folklore
- ISBN: B06XJ1W36L