A Timeless Journey Through Human Evolution



In the intellectually stimulating tome 'Decoded', Sheeba Sojanar unveils the extraordinary tale of Vidhuna, a captivating figure born in the futuristic landscape of 2167—an epoch where traditional verbal exchange has faded into obsolescence. Gifted with an exceptional capacity to articulate as humans did in the 21st century, Vidhuna embarks on an unprecedented journey back to 2016, drawn irresistibly to that bygone era. The plot intricately weaves Vidhuna's experiences in contemporary society, where she becomes immersed with two families ensnared in the throes of narcissism, duplicity, and betrayal. Along her convoluted path, she encounters Revant, an autistic youth whose insights assist in transcending the chasm between verbal and non-verbal expression, as well as John, whose untainted essence profoundly resonates within her. As societal outcasts navigating a realm consumed by self-indulgence and material obsession, Vidhuna and Revant present a distinctive lens through which to view a culture rife with familial turmoil and fragile connections, ultimately leaving the younger generation emotionally orphaned and bereft of foundational principles. Sojanar's narrative raises incisive inquiries: Can Vidhuna illuminate our trajectory towards calamity? Is transformation achievable through the eyes of an outsider in our present? This novel meticulously dissects Vidhuna's experiences and the lingering uncertainties she faces as she weighs the choice to linger amongst us or return to her own era—a place where she might still feel the outsider. 'Decoded' emerges as a powerful contemplation of human advancement, ethical frameworks, and the trials encountered by those who possess a divergent worldview. It provides its readers with a rare glimpse into the intricacies of autism and underscores the significance of embracing diverse methods of thought and communication.

  • Author: Sheeba Sojanar
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • ISBN: 9781636407142
  • Pages: 196