A Mirror of Emotions: Echoing a Shadow

Echoing a Shadow

Echoing a Shadow

Soniya Kanchan's 'Echoing a Shadow' emerges as a heartfelt anthology that resonates profoundly with the soul's deepest sentiments. Through her skillfully crafted stanzas, Kanchan skillfully steers through the tumultuous seas of human feelings, illuminating pathways of hope and clarity. Each poem springs forth from the well of her personal trials, reflecting the struggles that many endure, creating an intimate bond with readers who have wrestled with their own adversities. Her verses inspire an embrace of one’s fragility, a confrontation with innate fears, and a rekindled bravery to love fiercely and live vibrantly. This collection stands as a tribute to the phenomenal capability of poetry to express the inexpressible facets of our existence, serving as a poignant reminder that our emotions compose the very fabric of our humanity. 'Echoing a Shadow' offers an uplifting journey for those in pursuit of comfort, motivation, or a revitalized passion for life through the enchanting power of poetic expression.

  • Author: Soniya Kanchan
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Poetry
  • ISBN: 9781636401010
  • Pages: 59