A Lyrical Journey Through Love and Life

The Love Story of A Logophile

The Love Story of A Logophile

In this mesmerizing anthology of verse, (romi) invites readers to embark on an intimate odyssey through the realms of affection and interpersonal ties. 'The Love Story of A Logophile' unfolds as a poignant odyssey, reflecting the author's profound encounters with diverse souls who have left lasting imprints on their existence. Each poem unfolds like a glimpse into the innermost being of a bard fearless in the pursuit of love, daring to embrace the exquisite joy alongside the potential sorrow that accompanies an open heart. With a spirit of encouragement, the poet urges the audience to approach love with unwavering bravery and a hopeful lens, reveling in the exquisite art of affording oneself another opportunity for genuine emotional bonds. This work transcends mere poetry; it is a raw and candid expression of the author's essence, crafted in tribute to those who have influenced, uplifted, and catalyzed their journey. 'The Love Story of A Logophile' stands as a profound testament to the strength inherent in human connections and the enlightening, transformative essence of love in all its manifestations.

  • Author: (romi)
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Poetry
  • ISBN: 9781636402819
  • Pages: 82