A Timeless Tale of Love and Resilience

Love Never Fades

Love Never Fades

In Kingsley Kurien's evocative narrative 'Love Never Fades', audiences are beckoned to traverse an emotive odyssey alongside the intertwined lives of Peter and Annie. Set against the relentless passage of time, this tale delves into the profound significance of connection, revealing how our ephemeral journeys can gain substance through companionship. The characters, having tasted both the nectar and venom of romance, find themselves inexorably pulled back to one another, even as the harsh hand of separation looms large. Yet, Kurien adeptly conveys that, at times, mere affection falls short of bridging the chasms that distance creates. As tempests threaten to upend their shared dreams, readers are left in suspense, questioning whether Peter and Annie can endure the storm—and, significantly, if their union can weather it intact. This exquisitely penned story, interlaced with laughter, sorrow, and ageless wisdom, stands as a poignant testament to love’s duality in offering both joy and heartache. 'Love Never Fades' is essential reading for those yearning for a deep examination of the human spirit's fortitude amidst life's most formidable trials.

  • Author: Kingsley Kurien
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Romance
  • ISBN: 9781636400969
  • Pages: 196