Embracing Digital Transformation: A Guide for IT Leaders

The Digital Era - Time to Re-Invent The Operating Model

The Digital Era - Time to Re-Invent The Operating Model

In this illuminating tome, Ajay Verma and Sanjay Kumar Jain investigate the imperative for enterprises to refine their operational frameworks amidst the upheaval of digital transformation. The writers plunge into the success stories of digital natives such as Uber, Facebook, and Amazon, who flourish thanks to their innate digital essence and nimbleness, contrasting sharply with the formidable tribulations faced by established firms challenged by these technologically adept upstarts. This exhaustive manual is a must-read for CIOs, CTOs, CDOs, and IT specialists eager to comprehend and enact a target operating model centered around digital innovation. The authors impart significant perspectives on harnessing Enterprise Architecture to materialize digital ambitions, crafting a strategic pathway for organizations to adeptly maneuver through the intricate landscape of the digital age.

  • Author: Ajay Verma Sanjay Kumar Jain
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Business Strategy
  • ISBN: 9781636404639
  • Pages: 162