Enchanting Tales from Mumbai's Hidden Realm

Magical Creatures of Mumbai’s Underbelly: Urban Fantasy Shorts

Magical Creatures of Mumbai’s Underbelly: Urban Fantasy Shorts

Sneh Sapru's anthology of urban fantasy shorts reveals an enthralling realm that thrives just beneath the vibrant exterior of Mumbai. Within this spellbinding collection, mythical entities and enchanted beings seamlessly weave into the fabric of everyday existence, elevating the mundane into the realm of the extraordinary. Picture Medusa lurking within a brothel's shadows or mesmerizing mermen seizing unwitting fishermen along the coast—Sapru skillfully crafts a rich tapestry of enchanting narratives that compel us to rethink our understanding of reality. With lush prose and a vivid imaginative flair, the author beckons readers to delve into the secretive nooks of Mumbai’s enigmatic underbelly, where the boundary between the ordinary and the otherworldly elegantly dissolves. This captivating compilation presents a distinctive lens through which to view one of the globe's most intriguing cities, reminding us that amidst the hustle of urban existence, the world of dreams and wonder is perpetually within reach.

  • Author: Sneh Sapru
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • ISBN: 9789389932980
  • Pages: 138