Shades of Mother
In his enthralling masterpiece 'Shades of Mother', Vikrant Deshmukh embarks on a profound exploration of the often-ignored repercussions following cataclysms. While the international community's fervent reactions to tragedies can be uplifting, Deshmukh adroitly unveils the stark truths that emerge when the spotlight fades. He crafts a vivid tableau of those who endure, stranded in a perilous space between the kindness of a handful of benefactors and the schemes of countless exploiters. This compelling narrative invites readers to reflect upon the enduring ramifications of such upheavals and the intricate interplay of human behaviors amidst turmoil. With each turn of the page, Deshmukh's narrative resonates as a poignant testament to the relentless hardships that besiege those who remain after the media frenzy retreats and society shifts its gaze.
- Author: Vikrant Deshmukh
- Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
- Genre: Contemporary Fiction
- ISBN: 9781636400426
- Pages: 122