A Charming Tale of Small-Town Mysteries and Cultural Encounters

Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town

Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town

Alok Sinha’s 'Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town' invites readers on a mesmerizing expedition into the core of a charming, off-the-beaten-path community teeming with enigma and rich cultural tapestries. Chronicling the experiences of Mr. Prasad's household as they embark on their new chapter, the narrative introduces an array of captivating personalities hailing from Anglo-Indian, tribal, and missionary lineages. As they traverse through this uncharted territory, audiences are indulged in a vibrant mosaic of whimsical, curious, comedic, and at times, heart-rending episodes. Sinha intricately entwines tales of spectral abodes, legendary creatures, and the odd 'spate of thefts,' crafting an ambiance that is as delightful as it is subtly unsettling. The author’s astute observation and thoughtful exploration of cultural dynamics render this narrative a joyous investigation of life in a small town, unveiling the unforeseen escapades that manifest when diverse realms intersect. With its harmonious mix of wit, intrigue, and reflective insights, 'Wide-Eyed In A Sleepy Town' presents a charming and intellectually stimulating retreat into a space where the mundane and the marvelous walk hand in hand, coexisting in exquisite balance.

  • Author: Alok Sinha
  • Publisher: White Falcon Publishing
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • ISBN: 9781636407203
  • Pages: 280